Ready to Buy

Ready to Buy

BUYERS MONTHLY HOUSEHOLD BUDGET Creating a Budget for Your Family                       If you find yourself falling behind on your monthly payments, then it’s time to start learning some of the basics of creating a budget.  The first rule of thumb for a financially...
Home Ownership Basics

Home Ownership Basics

Hire an Agent I am an agent, I believe in hiring a buyer’s agent first. But you don’t have to if you prefer to go to open houses and look through a mumbo jumbo of homes online. Mostly, an agent will save you time. An agent can send you listings directly from MLS that...
Empty Nesters

Empty Nesters

The kids have finally moved out, and you have more space than you need in a home?   We can help in finding the right-sized home to meet your needs.  Downsizing allows to reduce expense and frees up equity in your home to put towards things like traveling, investing in...
Moving Up

Moving Up

House owners discover very a few distinct factors to move-up, ranging from the basic need for much more square footage to make room for a growing household to the wish to have a greater neighborhood or even just taking advantage of the option of increased income to...
Purchasing Is a Process

Purchasing Is a Process

Purchasing is a Process NOT an Event First of all, it’s important to understand that purchasing a house is a process not an Event.   People generally don’t wake up one morning, without any preamble, and go buy or sell a house. lnstead, the decision to buy and sell an...